Kevin, Karen and Griffin Bell

Kevin, Karen and Griffin Bell

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Toddler Bed

G-man began climbing out of his crib last Wednesday, November 2nd.  On Friday we decided that the crib was no longer a safe option for him so we switched him to his toddler bed on Saturday.  It has been a rough transition so far, but look how sweet he is in his new bed.  We plan to get him a twin bed once he is used to sleeping in a bed!  Excuse the outfit..haha!   


  1. Hi Karen! Ted and I read your blog a lot. I love these pictures and can't believe that Griffin and our Will sleep in the exact same position...bum sticking up in the air, ha ha. Good luck with the transition!

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment Michele! Glad to know someone reads our little blog. I also enjoy your blog. :) I love how the boys sleep...too cute! Hope you guys are getting settled in and used to the new town!
