Kevin, Karen and Griffin Bell

Kevin, Karen and Griffin Bell

Thursday, May 20, 2010

NC Zoo

We recently took G to the zoo to celebrate cousin Alana's 1st birthday! Here are some pics from our trip.

and our fav pic from Mexico...


Tucker is doing so well with Griffin...I really think he missed him while we were away in Mexico. Tucker didn't leave G's side on Monday...haha! Griffin is really noticing Tucker now too. I think they are already best friends. Here is a recent picture of our firstborn doggie... :)

Mexico cont.


Here are a few pictures from our recent trip to Mexico for Jeremy and Jennifer's wedding. Congrats to the happy couple! Griffin did really well on the flights and in Mexico...we were so proud! He enjoyed his first pool experience too...he fell asleep...ha!

Mother's Day/Dedication

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all of the other mommies and mommies-to-be out there! :) We had an extra special Mother's Day because Griffin was dedicated at Trinity on Mother's Day as well. Here are some pictures...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Love them older ladies...

Earlier in April, Griffin was trying his game (or lack thereof... like father, like son) with his good-lookin' friend, Paige Crawley, an older lady.... lookout Izzy! (see below)

Hangin' with my homegirl

Griffin was trying to mack on his homegirl / girlfriend, Isabelle (Izzy) Bland... but she was playing hard to get with the elbow to the face :-)

It was the dads (Joe and Kevin) and the kiddos (Izzy and Griffin) at Jason's Deli while the moms were at Bible Study.

Izzy was born 2 days later than and just down the hall from Griffin at Rex (literally), so they can actually say they've been friends since birth!